January Must (or Lust) Baby Items

So, I can't believe I'm already six and a half months pregnant. Ever since we found out we were having a girl, I feel like time is flying! We still have the boys room and a nursery to do! Yikes! Anyway, this is my list of must haves (okay and maybe a little lust) for January! ERGObaby Baby CarrierThanks to Ashley over at My Craftily Ever After...

Organize Your Shower with a Shoe Organizer

Okay, this is so simple that I'm almost ashamed to be posting this. This has definitely decluttered my bathroom! The best part is that this was so easy and cheap! All you need to do is buy another tension rod, a shoe organizer, and hooks. Hang up the tension rod in the back of your shower. Lace the hooks through the holes on the shoe organizer,...

Use Ammonia to Clean Your Stove Grates

I missed posting on Friday this week, but (to be fair) this is my second week back to college and I'm adjusting to time management fairly well. I even opted to take an extra class this semester, so I'm taking 12 credit hours instead of 9! I figured the semester before baby girl gets here is probably a good time, right? I'm, in no way, the inventor...

21 Ridiculous Things All Parents Say

This list hardly covers all the things I heard as a child, but I think it covers the more ridiculous (and possibly stupid)ones. Of course, many of these have been or will be repeated by me and other now-parents. Why can't we stop this repetitive nonsense? Because I said so. I brought you into this world and I can take you out. I'll knock you into...

Where to Get Coupons

One time, I posted about how I discreetly carry and organize my coupons. I also admitted that I'm unlikely to ever make it on the Extreme Couponing reality series (is that series even still on?). However, I think I do pretty good for myself. I wanted to quickly share where I clip my coupons from. Local Sunday Paper The most obvious place to...

16 Make Ahead Crock Pot Recipes

Recently I stumbled across Organizer By Day's 20 Crockpot Meals Each Under $7. My oven was out of action for a few months and, in that time, I fell in love with my crock pot. However, the idea of having everything ready ahead of time and just having to throw it in there was a very appealing idea! I decided that I absolutely had to try this. I...

Printing Your Coupons Black & White

Here's a quick video that should at least get your started on how to change your printer settings so that the coupons will automatically print in black and white. You can choose between standard and fast print quality. I stick to standard, but I've seen some people say to change it to fast. Under color, choose grayscale. Remember that all your...

5 Steps to Make Your Dreams Come True

Wow! Is it really that simple? Well, I believe it can be. I bet you didn't know that today is Make Your Dreams Come True Day! I'm celebrating by sharing some quick, simple, and effective steps to help you achieve your dreams.Discover your dreams.Many of us don't even know what our dreams are or have buried them somewhere deep inside, and we're...

Choice Baby Names for Baby #3

Our chosen name is, of course, not on my list. So, if you were hoping for that, I'm sorry to spoil it for you. That's a secret until baby girl arrives. Anyway, you'll notice our girls names all end the same. It's an intentional thing, following both an intentional and unintentional tradition on either side of the family. Just roll with it. They...

A Minecraft Birthday

This is just a quick post I wanted to share from Talon's seventh birthday. I always try to go all out on birthdays. Sometimes I'm more satisfied than others! Talon turned seven in September and we finally decided on Minecraft for the theme. I made a small, double stacked, square cake that looked like the pixel cake from the game. My mother gave...

Adding a Header to Your Blogger Blog

My first ever screenshare video! Please let me know how you feel about the video tutorial versus other types of tutorials (picture or written tutorials). I'd love it if you shared anything you made using this video!...

Getting Started: Creating a Blog Design

Choosing a Template and Color PaletteThe first thing we're going to cover is choosing your blogger template to modify and then deciding on a color palette or finding one that you like for your blog's design. This walk through is fairly image heavy, to best demonstrate what's being discussed...

Welcome to Indiana, Folks!

In case you were wondering how it's going for me here in Indiana, I borrowed some photos from the local news channel's facebook. When I get out of these pajama pants and brave walking the dog, I might just take a picture or two of us both freezing out asses off! The coldest night yet. Lows down to -20 and wind chills in -45° territory. Don't go...

7 Hard Questions About My Blog

While surfing on Pinterest for blogging inspiration, tips, tricks, etc, I came across Creative Kristi's Blogging Boot Camp 2013.  As part of my 2014 Goals, I included two blog-related goals: Post at least three times a week on the blog (M,W,F). Commit 1 hour to my blog each day, whether writing...

Winter Family Fun (Plus Pregnancy Pictures)

When I first queued this post, it was suppose to just be some random pregnancy pictures. However, it snowed for well over 12 hours here between Wednesday night and Thursday afternoon. However, the wind blew a lot of the snow off the good sledding hill and (from what I heard) was blowing directly in your face if you tried to go down it anyway. So,...

2014 Goals

Photo by Sally M. First, I'd like to wish myself a happy birthday!  It's my 22nd birthday on this first day of January 2014 (it's going to take time getting used to writing that instead of 2013).  I'll not be doing much today, other than working a few hours and lounging around the house.  Tomorrow, I think I'm finally going to go...