Today, I was a bad parent.
My kids ate greasy gas station pizza for lunch.
They ran around like wild animals at the store.
I bought them sugar filled drinks at the checkout and candy at the next store.
Today, I was a bad parent.
I slept in longer than my kids.
I let them skip baths for the third (or is it fourth?) day in a row.
Nobody brushed their teeth today.
Today, I was a bad parent.
I let my kids wear the same clothes as yesterday.
They spent all day in front of the TV.
I sleepervised from the couch during Spongebob.
Today, I was a bad parent.
I got too mad.
I yelled too much.
I hurt my child, because I got overwhelmed.
Today, I wasn't perfect, and tomorrow I won't be either.
Today, I apologized to my child and forgave myself, as well.
Today, I did the best I could and tomorrow I will, too!