Plants vs Zombies Birthday Party Pinatas

Plants vs Zombies Pinatas

I mentioned that we had a Minecraft theme for Talon's 7th birthday. Well, for his 6th birthday it was Plants vs Zombies. He was absolutely obsessed with this game, and both of my kids are still quite fascinated by zombies in general.

Wallnut Pinata  Plants vs Zombies

This isn't really a tutorial, per se, but you should be able to use it as a guide or for inspiration for your own Plants vs Zombies pinatas, should you feel the need.

Pea Shooter Pinata Plants vs Zombies

I thought making a pinata was such a good idea. I'm going to come right out and say that it's a lot more work than it sounds like, especially when you're not making just some generic pinata. These were suppose to look like something in specific. You can see that I used tissue paper on the walnut, but that was so time consuming that we just painted the pea shooter.

Anyway, here's what they looked like hanging up via a ton of yarn. I advise using something stronger, for your own peace of mind. Either way, these pinatas were a hit!

Plants vs Zombies Pinatas


  1. I see you did a piñata with the paper mache technique (the green). Was easy of hit and destroy?

    1. They were both made that way and we used a metal baseball bat. I think I did way too many layers of paper mache though. Ours wasn't too hard to destroy, but definitely a little harder than a regular pinata. Apply layers accordingly. ;)


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