Free Baby Book Printables Part 1

I'm so excited to announce that I created these super cute baby book printables for free! All you have to do is go over to Plucky's Second Thought, where Plucky was kind enough to let me share them! Happy Valentine's Day!

Download & Print Here

Baby Book Pages BoyBaby Book Girl Pages


  1. These are darling! How wonderful that they can be printed at home too. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Anonymous2/16/2014

    I love that! I am printing it out tonight and get started.

    Michelle F.

  3. That was nice of you. It was nice of Plucky too. :)

  4. Oh, those are very cute! I bought a baby book for my son, but got behind on filling it out. :( I need to go back and add some photos and things to it.

  5. Those are really cute. Simple but pleasing to the eyes :)

  6. This is a great idea. There is a couple pages in each of my kids' books where it's like, ugh, how do I fill this in? I wish it wasn't in the book, or I wish there were other pages that were bigger. Print my own - why didn't I think of this?? Thanks or sharing!!

  7. These are so cute! Thanks so much for the freebies! Have a wonderful week!

    ~Abby =)

  8. These are precious! I am definitely referring and sharing this idea with my freind who just had her first child! Great idea :)

  9. These are adorable! My cousin is expecting a baby ANY day now, so I may print these and bind it up really pretty for her. Thank you for the great freebies!

  10. These are so cute. I love the idea and wished I had those when I gave birth.

  11. That is great! All families with newborns should capture as much as they can! yours is free and that is a big plus!

  12. Aw, I love this!! Makes your baby book so much more personal if you do it all yourself, even print the paper!

  13. I love this printable baby book! This is a great idea for new or expectant parents, and I wish that I had created one for my own kids.

  14. That is so cute! I have to admit I have not done a baby book for my second child. That's pretty bad, I know. Got to get something going for him!

  15. Aww, they are so cute and sweet. I would love some for my daughter, even though she's not a baby anymore.

  16. My daughter was born before these cute printables were around. I always think I will go back and create something like this.

  17. This is so precious! I will have to use this for sure!

  18. oh thank you - so cute!

  19. Those are absolutely adorable. I will pass these along.

  20. Cute, simple but beautiful :)


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